Selena gomez
Her name is Selena Marie Gomez.
She's usually called Selena Gomez or Miss Gomez. She was born on 22 July 1992
in Grand Praire, Texas, USA. Selena
Gomez is a singer, songwriter, and American Actress. She sings for some
soundtracks, like Cinderella and Tinker Bell. Her performance as an actress can
be seen at Cinderella Story DVD version. Miss Gomez has red hair, pointed nose,
and slim body. She looks beautiful while she is smiling. She is also famous
with her Latin face. Selena Gomez doesn't have siblings. She's the only child
in her family. Her father's name is Ricardo Gomez and her mother's name is
Mandy Cornett.
Justin Bieber
His name is Justin Bieber. He is
very famous singer nowadays. He begins to be a star after his voice was
published at Justin was born on 1 March 1994 in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. His father's name is Jeremy
Jack Bieber dan his mother's name is Patricia (Pattie) Lynn Mallette. Justin
has red hair, sharp nose and blue eyes. People say that his face is cute. It
makes his fans being crazy when they meet him. Justin is a very talented
musician. He can sing beautifully. He also can play some music instuments, for
instance piano, drum, guitar, and saxophone. Justin Bieber starts his career by
releasing his first single "One More Time" and his album in 2009
entitled "My World." "Baby, Somebody to Love, and Never Say
Never" are very popular to everyone in the world.
Barrack Obama
His full name is Barack Hussein
Obama. People often calls him Barack Obama or Obama only. He is
African-American. He was born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, USA. Obama is quite
tall, 183 cm. He has oval face, baldheaded, and black skin. His face looks patient
and strong. He always keep smiles when he gives speech. Obama has got married
to Michelle. They have 2 daughters, Malia and Natasha Obama. Obama’s hobby is
having sport. He likes playing golf in his spare time. Obama also loves
blogging. He writes on his twitter quite often.

Her full name is
Agnes Monica Muljoto. She was born 1 July 1986 in Jakarta. She is a singer. She is good both at
singing and dancing. Agnes Monica is the youngest child in her family. Her
father's name is Ricky Suprapto and her mother is Jenny Siswono. She has the
only older brother named Steve Muljoto. Agnes Monica is a very talented artist.
Beside singing, she also can play music instrument such as guitar and piano.
Agnes Monica has several famous songs. Her everlasting songs are
"Pernikahan Dini, Tak Ada Logika, Jera", for instance. She also has a
well-known song entitled "Cinta Mati" duet with Ahmad Dhani.
Sherina Munaf
Her name is Sinna sherina munaf, but you call her sherina only. He was
born in bandung 11th june 1990 as the midle child from 3 siblings.
Her big sister is Virani Devarainy , and the litle sister is Mayzura Restalia.
Sherina’s parent are triawan and luki. Her father full name is riawan munaf ,
works ads designer and ex-musician. Her mother’s full name is luki ariani.
Sherina is a singer. She has a lovely voice. She began to sing since he was
child. One of her famous song is “petualangan sherina”. Sherina has ever sung
duet with westlife in 1998. Sherina often changes her appereance. Sometimes she
comes with her long hair and sometimes with her short hair. But she is still
cute enough for everything she does.
Raden Nike Ratnadilla or a well-known
as Nike Ardilla is one artist who is very famous in the 90s. She was born on
december 27,1975. She is a singer. she has a lot of songs and one of the famous
song is "star of life."
She has a beautiful face and dulcet voice. Her weight is 47 kg and her tall is
168 m. she has straigth and long hair but sometimes she changes it be short
hair. She likes singing and swimming. Her favorite food are hamburger and
meatball. Her favorite drink are coca cola and yoghurt. She is very like marlyn
She is multitalented
young star. Besides as a singer, she also a player film. Her acting is enough
good. Many people likes her acting. Unfortunetly, she was died on march 19,
1995 because car accident. But, until today there are still many who idolized
her, including me.
She is very popular among
Indonesian people as Indonesian Dangdut Singer called "Ayu Ting
Ting". Ayu Ting Ting was born on 20 June 1990 in Depok, East Java. She
works as a dangdut singer, presenter, and model. Ayu Ting Ting has Indonesian
average body. Her height is 160 cm. She has long straight hair, oval face, thin
lips and pointed nose. Ayu Ting Ting has won several awards during her life.
She has got Sari Ayu Star 2006, Miss Depok 2006, and Mojang Depok. Ayu Ting
Ting is very famous with song entitled "Alamat Palsu (Fake Address)".
She has ever released Dangdut album entitled "Geol Ajeb-Ajeb"

His name full name is
Entis Sutisna. People call him Sule. He is a famous comedian in Indonesia. Sule
was born on 15 November 1976 in Bandung, West Java. He speaks Sundanese fluently. He also learn
Javanese. Sule is very unique. His hair is long with brown and yellow colour.
He has oval face, flat nose and slanting eyes. People knows Sule as a
ridiculous man and full of jokes. He is very funny. His joke makes everyone
smiling even belly laughing. Sule plays in several TV shows such as Opera Van
Java (OVJ), Awas Ada Sule, PAS Mantab, and Saung Sule. He also can sing very
well. He has very famous song entitled Susis (Suami Sieun Istri).
Stefanie joane Angelina or well-known by Lady gaga is one of
the most my favorite musicians. Music by genre pop electro to be fascination of
lady gaga, that’s also that make me interested and always conscious when I hear
her songs that’s inspiration from several musicians like queen and Michael
Jackson. Besides, lady gaga is multitalented singer and best song writer.
Because since she was 14 years old she can play piano and several her song she
plays piano, like a song Pokerface. Pokerface is the best song in America and she
sings the song in Grammy awards event and she looks very cool.
Even though, she is not very beautiful but she
is cool and tall, she has brown skin, she has blue eyes and the most important
of her body is her long blonde hair. Every people know lady gaga like
experiment with her blonde hair, for example she like make her blonde hair in
form of bow, cat ears, cone ice cream or sometimes she wears blonde wig and
that’s always make a sensation, and there’s something make her different with another
musicians, she also has unique performances .
According to her, a
musician isn’t just an icon in art, it’s not just about music, it’s about the
performance, the attitude, and that’s what she wants to accomplish. Because of
that she design and makes her outfit, for example she combines oversized
blazers with hot pants and never forget to wear her oversized sunglasses or
sometimes she looks so sexy and glamour with her dress, like origami dress, one
shoulder mini dress with big bow or leopard dress. Call of sexy lady, unique
lady and glamour lady is become special character of lady gaga. So, not only
music which is makes lady gaga to be famous but also her performance which is
always unique and always make a sensation.
was born on 9 September 1949 in Tremas, Pacitan, East Java. We know him as the
president of Indonesia. He is often called SBY. SBY has fat body, round face,
pointed nose, and black hair. As the ex-soldier, his body is strong and health.
SBY is married to Ani. They have two sons, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Edhie
Baskoro Yudhoyono. Agus works as a soldier, and Edhie becomes a politician. SBY
likes singing. He has released 3 album so far. The first album is entitled My
Longing For You (Rinduku Padamu) published in 2007, the second entitled Evolusi
in 2009 and the third album entitled I'm Certain I'll Make It (Ku Yakin Sampai
Disana) released 2010.
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